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Sola Old Style vs. New Style BodyUpdated 2 years ago

Old Style vs. New Style Solas

In 2012 we made the decision to re-design the mounting system and the body of the Sola lights. Previous design used a rail system to secure the “d-ring mount” to the bottom of the light with a set-screw applying pressure to the body of the light to keep the mount secure and in place. The “Old Style D-Ring Kit” and Light body look like this:

"Old" D-Ring Kit and Light:


"Old" D-Ring Kit Mounted to the Light:

While this was a perfectly secure method to attach the light to the mounting system our Engineers created a better, more fool-proof design that ensures the light will not slide off the mount. The “New Style D-Ring Kit” and body look like this.

"New" D-Ring Kit and light:

"New" D-Ring Kit Mounted to the Light:

Most of the older style light bodies have been phased out but there are still some lights that incorporate the older style mounts. We are still manufacturing the older style D-rings so if you have an older body light talk to your local dive shop about ordering up the correct part you need.

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