Traveling with your SolaUpdated 2 years ago
We always recommend bringing your lights with you in your carry-on luggage. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will allow individual lights under 100 watts to be checked or carried on. This includes all Sola lights. Different security agencies have been known to disassemble our lights and there is no guarantee they will be re-assembled correctly. This of course would be unnecessary since our lights are a factory sealed, battery integrated product. If you run into this issue, its a good point to make before they start pulling things apart.
To keep your lights from accidental discharge, use both the Travel Lock-out Mode feature as well as the Slider Switch Lock-out. This ensures safe travels and prevents any frustration come the first dive of the day. The lights also have a thermal rollback feature to prevent them from causing substantial damage if you forget to place them in lockout and they happen to be bumped on.
It's also not a bad idea to get in the habit of locking your lights after your dives before the car ride home.
Travel Lock-out Mode
Most Light & Motion lights are equipped with a travel feature that will prevent the light from inadvertently turning on should the power button or switch be engaged while the light is in your pocket or backpack/suitcase. This feature is called Travel Lock-out Mode and is standard on all Sola models.
These will have a Lock icon on the slider switch. While the light is off, hold the switch forward for 5-8 seconds until the dashboard LEDs begin flashing red. Trying to turn the light on after this will result in the lights flashing red but the light not turning on. Repeat this procedure until the lights begin flashing green to unlock the light.
Slider Switch Lock-out
All Solas have a rotating slider switch that prevents the slider from moving. Simply turn the switch dial 90 degrees so that the ridge on the switch points towards the front and rear of the light.