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Bike Manuals - Current User Guides

User Guides for 2020 lights and newer

Bike User Guides- 2020 & Newer

This article applies to the lights in the following table VIS/Urban SECA COMP/TAZ VIS 360 PRO VIS 360 PRO Plus Rando 500 VIS 180 Vya/Vibe Seca Race* Seca Enduro* VIS Adventure* Light not turning on? Check out our Travel Lockout p

Rando 500 Manual

The Rando 500 is Light & Motion's answer to an age old question... Can I charge my light while it's on? The answer is now YES! The Rando can be paired with a Dynamo driven USB port (Sinewave Reactor) or an external USB power supply with at least 50